Mental Health Today

#117 Breaking Down Barriers: Candid Conversations on Men's Mental Health with Patrice Massicotte and Hassan Ramadan

Episode Summary

In the latest episode of "Mental Health Today," host Ken Stearns interviews Patrice Massicotte and Hassan Ramadan, founders of the podcast Mutual MENtal, dedicated to men's mental health. Both Patrice and Hassan share their personal struggles and journeys with mental health, highlighting the importance of authenticity and human connection in fostering open conversations. Despite only having ten episodes released, their podcast has already garnered significant attention for its genuine and direct approach. Ken praises their commitment to addressing men's mental health issues and encourages them to continue their impactful work, predicting a promising future for Mutual MENtal.

Episode Notes

In the latest episode of "Mental Health Today," host Ken Stearns welcomes Patrice Massicotte and Hassan Ramadan, two former colleagues turned close friends who have embarked on a unique journey to address men's mental health through their podcast, Mutual MENtal. Their mission is to encourage men to open up, normalize conversations about mental health, and break down the stigma surrounding it. However, their podcast is inclusive, welcoming all listeners who can relate to their authentic, direct, and fun style.

Both Patrice and Hassan share their own lived experiences, both personally and professionally, as certified peer specialists. They discuss the good, the bad, the ugly, and the beautiful aspects of their journeys, emphasizing the reality of recovery and the presence of hope. Despite only having ten episodes released so far, they've already garnered hundreds of downloads and listeners from around the world.

During the conversation, Patrice and Hassan open up about their own struggles with mental health, including PTSD, anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, and substance use. They emphasize the importance of human connection and the need for men to speak authentically and genuinely in a safe space. Patrice reflects on his suicide attempt and subsequent transformation into a certified peer specialist, while Hassan shares his experiences of feeling alone and the profound impact of finding support in Patrice.

The hosts express their commitment to authenticity and genuine human connection in their podcast, avoiding scripts and embracing spontaneity while still maintaining organization. They discuss their plans to diversify their content, including featuring guests from different cultures and backgrounds, and creating a safe space for men to speak up and share their stories.

Ken Stearns, the podcast host, shares his admiration for Patrice and Hassan's dedication to addressing men's mental health issues head-on. He commends their authenticity and passion, comparing them to ancient DJs from another planet who have been reborn to deliver meaningful conversations about mental health.

As the episode concludes, Ken encourages Patrice and Hassan to continue producing content consistently and emphasizes the importance of staying true to their message while evolving and finding their niche in the podcasting world. He predicts a bright future for Mutual MENtal and expresses his excitement to see how the podcast evolves in the coming years.